Ten things you should know before entering the workforce

Do you feel ready to enter the workforce?  Do you have the right tools and...

9 minute read

Hear from a parent: a case study with Alina, Poland

My name is Alina and Ola, my daughter, is 17 and she is in first...

5 minute read

Critical Thinking: a case study with Ola, Poland

My name is Ola, I’m 17 years old and I live in Poland. Currently I’m...

5 minute read

Ten ways to stay productive this summer holiday

After a whirlwind of a year, the summer holidays are a great opportunity to relax...

8 minute read

Classroom tips to help integrate soft skills

Experienced educators know that the students who have the best scores in their academic exams...

9 minute read
For teachers

Insights on education in Malaysia from Bett Asia 2019

It didn’t take long for me to see that education is key to Malaysia’s ambitions....

7 minute read

The 8 skills of an entrepreneur that all students need

When talking about entrepreneurs some people might focus on the first part of that definition,...

8 minute read

Studying abroad: a case study with Isabella, China

I think instead of saying I did not have soft skills, I would rather say...

6 minute read

Implementing the skills of critical thinking in the classroom

The nature of education has undoubtedly evolved over the past decades. We have gradually moved...

5 minute read

The skills of critical thinking

In a time when we are constantly juggling multiple social media platforms, increasing news sources,...

5 minute read

The soft skills that all students need

Your students may know all the necessary formulae to solve complex mathematical problems. But will...

8 minute read

How Asia’s schools can bring soft skills teaching into class

In Asian schools, student success is no longer just a question of getting top subject...

4 minute read