Character Education in the Classroom

This course has been designed by educators, researchers, and academics and will outline what the research and evidence says about a range of topics which are relevant to teachers and those involved in aspects of teaching and learning.

Iro Konstantinou

Head of Research and Impact, Eton College
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Course overview

Character Education in the Classroom is a professional development course which consists of eight 30-minute talks which focus on the research on character education. The course aims to equip you with the necessary strategies to embed character education in the classroom and your school more broadly. The topics we look at cover several areas which have been proven to link to student well-being and educational attainment. The talks are delivered by staff at the Tony Little Centre and experts in the fields of creativity and zest. They are followed by reflective questions which can help you set goals in how to practically apply what you have learnt in the course.

This free course is offered by the Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning at Eton College as part of Eton2020: A New Social Vision.



Topic 1: Motivation

Theories on increasing motivation and how they can be used in the classroom.


Topic 2: Social Connectedness

The importance of social connectedness and how it can be embedded across the school.


Topic 3: Zest for Learning

The concept of zest and what signature learning experiences can contribute towards fostering zest.


Topic 4: Creativity

An overview of creativity and its definition across countries, including strategies to embed creativity in the classroom.


Topic 5: Academic Resilience

A definition of academic resilience and its link to academic success, and strategies which can foster it in the classroom.


Topic 6: Gratitude

The importance of gratitude and how it can be practised successfully in school settings.


Topic 7: Self-efficacy and Self-confidence

The theory around self-efficacy and self-confidence, and strategies to foster them.


Topic 8: Assessing Character Education

An outline of school practices for embedding character and how character interventions can be assessed.

Action Research in Schools – learning outcomes

By the end of the course:

  • You will develop a comprehensive understanding of psychological and educational theories related to motivation, resilience, and creativity
  • You will explore the role of emotional and social connections in learning
  • You will be learn strategies for fostering key personal and academic Skills in students
  • You will learn how to integrate positive psychology concepts into educational practice.
  • You will learn how to promote the development of a resilient and creative mindset in students

Course Study Options


Self-paced, independent learning that teachers complete at their own pace.

This is a flexible option which teachers can fit around school and other commitments.

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